Pricing Jewelry

Then add on what you are worth an hour. Remember that you have to pay not only for the time to make the jewelry but also for time selling, marketing, shipping, and setting up displays, paying for booths etc. What you are worth an hour will be determined by how much experience you have. Can you whip out a cab with a gorgeous wrap in 10 minutes? Then your time is worth more than $10 an hour, more like $50 to $100 an hour.
So, for example I whip out 20 pairs of simple earrings for my earring display. They cost me .45 cents each to make and I can make 20 pairs in an hour. The price I come up with is 2.30. That is the minimum I can sell them for and still get 4x and 10 an hour. They were simple to make and not much skill required. If I pay myself $20 and hour they will still only cost 2.80. Now you would never sell your earrings for 2.80 (unless we are back at the I need gas scenario).
I take the $2.30 and times by 4 and they are at 9.20 or bump it to 9.99. That is my full retail price. At this point take a good look at them, will they sell for 14.99 in my area in a gallery, maybe 24.99? Then bump the full retail to that. Remember they are simple earrings and this is what a gallery can sell them for. I get 50% commission. But I can also offer to sell them at any price between 2.30 and $10.00.
I tell them if they buy $1000 worth they can have those earrings at 2.59 a pair. This gives them the incentive to buy out right, I get my pieces into a gallery and if they move quickly and I get discovered I can bump up my prices until I can keep up with demand. I can also send out a rep to sell them for whatever they want but I need something over my minimum. Make sense?
But what about a necklace that takes some time and skill? It works the same. A necklace cost me 15 to make times 4 is 60. I add my hourly wage, lets say 20 an hour. I times all this by 4 and get my high retail. 320 would be the retail price. But wait, I look at the piece and I know it will not sell for that. I go back to the drawing table and crunch my numbers again. I look at what I think it will sell for and I decide 199. Well 1/4 of that is 50 so I can double my price on the beads and make my hourly wage. Am I willing to do that? Then I decide. If that is all it will sell for then that is what I will have to take for it and reconsider replicating similer pieces in the future.
Now this is your base, lowest price. 50 is what I can sell it for and probably still get ahead. I want to sell it for at least 100 in most situations or I will be running myself out of business. At 50 I am barely covering my expenses. That is not a way to grow a business. I know at that price at least I am not loosing money, I can still pay the electric bill, and I can put gas in the car if I am selling a lot of jewelry.
It works the other way as well. Lets say a bracelet only costs me 1.00 but the time and skill to make it is worth far more than the value of the components. Then I raise the retail price to the cost I know the piece can sell for. There has to be a way to make money off of the art of jewelry making. That is the whole point of this endeavor. My years of skill come together to make a knockout piece then I will not give it away by any formula.
I decide this piece will easily sell for lets say 69. My absolute bottom price is 17.50. If it took me half an hour I make 27 an hour. Remember this is my lowest price. Hopefully I will sell it myself at a festival and make the profit from it.
The idea is to get into high end art shows and sell some of your product at full retail (you do not want to undercut the galleries that sell at your full retail price unless you want to loose that relationship in a hurry).
Ok just one more lecture to those that are just doing it for fun or who do not want to make money off of their work.
There are so many more things I can say.
- I can talk about advertising and getting your work out there at a reduced amount to create excitement but not shooting yourself in the foot in the meantime.
- About donations done right can get lots of exposure.
- About mass produced articles that go by a different formula for shows to pay booth fee's.
- About having different lines that you can sell at gallery costs and not undercut a gallery and strain your relationship.
I am selling beads now so I have run into interesting obstacles. I will not approach a gallery where I see one of my clients selling. I will not compete with my clients. I will not do shows anymore for the same reason. I would not want to set up next to a client and compete with them. I am here to support them and help them get ahead. I do not believe in competition. I believe in everyone working together to create a vibrant, ethical community where everyone is successful in many different ways including our souls being happy.
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