Lemon Quartz Gemstone Beads, Pendants and Cabochons
Premium quality wholesale Lemon Quartz gemstone beads, pendants and cabochons for jewelry making and designing. Carefully selected gemstones help you create outstanding necklaces, bracelets and earrings. A plethora of information about Quartz is available via books and the internet for those interested in detailed information. This description simply covers the basics. Quartz, sometimes called "rock crystal", is one of the most abundant minerals on earth and is comprised of numerous stones bearing other names. Quartz is extremely hard, often contains tiny air bubbles and has a double refraction. Clear Quartz is colorless and transparent and there is considerable color variation among the numerous other types of Quartz. While some Quartz are macrocrystalline and can be recognized with the naked eye, a second variety of the mineral is cryptocrystalline comprised of crystals that are only noticed through magnification. Macrocrystallines include well known stones such as Amethyst, Aventurine, Hawks-eye, Tiger Eye, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Rutiliated Quartz, Snow Quartz, etc. We commonly recognize the other variety, Cryptocrystalline, as Chalcedony. The occurrences of Quartz are too numerous to list and are based on the specific variety of the mineral. The purported healing properties of Quartz are also varied and dependent upon the specific variety.