Tools for Wire Wrapping
Basic tools required for making beautiful wire wrapped jewelry. A short list and a quick explanation on what each of them are for and alternatives etc...
Organizing Your Beads
This is a question that comes up at least once a month in the jewelry making forums. Everyone has a bit of a different way it works for them. Somethings seem pretty universal after trial and error most people end up doing a few things the same. This is my work bench. It is an old desk I didn't feel bad about hammering on. I made sure it was very sturdy since I didn't want any bounce back when I hammered. It is a heavy wooden desk with nice big drawers. (If you click on any of the pictures they get bigger then just hit the back button to return to the article.)
Crimping Jewelry Ends
This video from Magpie Gemstones is an indepth description of my multi step process of crimping the ends of a necklace or bracelet. Once you learn how to crimp you can end or finish off any jewelry made on jewelry beading wire. It is our first video ever, we applogize for any filming flubs.
Strung Beaded Necklace with Chain
Adding chain to a beaded strung necklace gives the piece added texture, depth and design that can really help to take the piece to another place. It also can be chain around the back so the necklace is not strung with gemstones the entire way helping to stretch your gemstones across numerous pieces. Also great if you just don't quite have enough or also want to make a bracelet and matching earrings. It gives you the option of making less chunky pieces and can somewhat replicate the look of wire wrapping for those who do not know how to yet!
Make Your Own Jump Rings
Some of us enjoy making our own jump rings. It’s usually a matter of necessity for me as it seems that I’m either out of them when I need them or I don’t have just the right size for my project. It’s just been easier to make my own. You can purchase a jump ring maker, create one yourself or simply use what you have on hand. If you don’t already make your own jump rings and would like to, I hope the following that uses objects most wire workers have around the workbench will get you started.
Making Headpins
Why in the world would a person want to make headpins? A year ago I shunned the notion of doing it myself and dutifully ran to the local craft store each time I ran out of pins in the middle of a project. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very good at picking out the right headpin for the bead of the day and sometimes came home with headpins that slid right through the bead hole or pins made of a gauge wire that wouldn’t go in the hole at all. This was not good for my cheery disposition!
Wire Links and Connectors
Wire links, sometimes called connectors, are an important part of jewelry and have multiple uses. Designers employ them in hand made chains, as connectors between beads, as dangles, as extenders and in a myriad of other ways in jewelry. Wire links not only have multiple uses, they also come in many different configurations. Jewelry makers have a choice regarding whether to use traditional links or to develop unique links of their own.
Wire Wrapped Loops
The following tutorial explains how to create a wrapped loop, one of the most basic techniques of wire work for jewelry. Some designers use a slightly different procedure for creating a wrapped loop, but I have found that the following, taught to me by Szarka of Magpie Gemstones, allows me to create consistent wrapped loops in a minimum of time. Other methods that I’ve tried seem to go faster while I’m creating the loop, however they often require some shaping in the end and thus take longer to complete. After only a few tries, I’ve found the following to be the best for assuring success each time.
Wire Wrapped Loops
These may not be done the way everyone else does since I am self taught for over 20 years but they are the little tips and tricks I have figured out. I hope they help a bit! This video covers the basic of making a wrapped loop that can then be used as a link in jewelry.
Wire Clasps
A 20 minute video tutorial by Szarka on how to make simple wire "S" and "Hook and Eye" clasps, as well as how to make and properly close jump rings.
Creating Multistrand Necklaces Part 1
Multistrand necklaces and bracelets are always in style. I can truthfully tell you that I’ve had more trouble with this style of strung jewelry than any other kind. Today, I decided that it was because I hadn’t carefully read the available tutorials online. Therefore, I set out to do just that. Alas, although there are many fine sets of instructions, I couldn’t find anything that answered all my questions.
How to Make Multistrand Necklaces Part 2
The following information continues the discussion of multistrand jewelry pieces and takes a look at findings for use with multistrand necklaces. The basic findings include multistrand clasps, multistrand end pieces and multistrand separators. Each will be discussed separately herein.
Hammered Wire Links
A short video on how to make hammered wire links like in this necklace shown.
Hammering Closed Links
Szarka shows how to hammer both ends of closed loops in wire wrapped jewelry in this youtube video.
Make Your Own Ear Wires
A quick free video tutorial on how to make your own ear wires with simple tools found on a jewelry makers work bench.
Ear Wire Designs
This is a brief description of variations of handmade ear wires that can be made based on the Magpie Gemstones video on the same topic.
How to Wire Wrap a Briolette
A short video discussing different ways to wire wrap a briolette.
Wire Wrapped Ring
This is a fast, easy way to wire wrap a Crystal, long stone or a long cabochon. I use to call these Bingo Rings and I bet I have sold hundreds of them. Great pictures in this free wire wrapping tutorial.
Using Leather in Jewelry Design
In this short video Szarka explores some ways to use leather in your jewelry.
How to Make Necklace Extenders If you have even given or received a piece of jewelry that was too small, you can certainly appreciate the need for jewelry extenders. Sometimes the piece fits you, but is the wrong length for the garment with which it will be worn. Therefore, I like to have several different kinds of jewelry extenders in my own jewelry box and make them for friends and customers. |
Copper Etching
Etching on metal for jewelry design is a somewhat messy process, but it is well worth the trouble. Etching allows the artist to produce original hand drawn designs on the metal or to use premade stamps. The joy of learning to etch comes in viewing the finished product. I am usually surprised by the results, often thinking that nothing has happened until I clean and polish the metal. Below is a photo of three etched bracelets. The design for the one on the far left was hand drawn while the other two were stamped.
Copper Patina
Copper Patinas: The Search for Color - I’ve been playing with altering the color of copper for a couple of years. Enamored by the beautiful pieces other artists create, I set out to find some answers. I quickly learned that there is a plethora of information regarding this topic both published in books and magazines as well as available online. My problem was that I either couldn’t get the patina to work appropriately in my conditions or the patina recipe required chemicals that I had never heard of, couldn’t locate and didn’t really want to use. I’d like to share with you the things that work consistently for me.
Riveting - Cold Connections
You don’t need to be strong like Rosie the Riveter to use rivets in your jewelry. Aren’t you glad? You also don’t need a gun – I’m talking about a rivet gun, of course. Whenever I first mentioned riveting at the dinner table, the guys thought they knew just what I was talking about. They knew how to rivet! They had no idea what I really wanted to do.
How to Wrap and Arrowhead and Sharks Tooth
A short video by Szarka demonstrating a very simple wire wrap style that works well for arrowheads, sharks teeth or any flat fragile object.
Tree of Life Pendant
Tree of Life Tutorial In this video I show the basics of how to do a tree of life pendant with wire. It is not a step by step video but more of a general idea of how it is done. That way you can add your creative twists.
Wire Woven Earrings
This is a short tutorial Nancy put together for a class she taught through the Flint Schools. "I figured out how to upload it to Docstoc.com and make it available to anyone who is interested. I hope you have fun with it. I have two others I will try to get up soon."
Wire Woven Bracelet
Nancy Wickman's free tutorial on how to make a woven wire bracelet. Click on the links to check out her work. Beautiful!
Wire Woven Pendant
A simple but elegant fee tutorial on how to weave a wire pendant. Check out Nancy's sites to see her beautiful work.
Wire Wrapped Scorpion
Sherry of Sherry's Jewels was generous in allowing me to share this tutorial on the website with all of you. This is a great way to play with wire and get your skill level challenged. You also end up with a cute critter in the end. Once you have this mastered play with the design and see how it looks with beads or if you can alter it in a way to make other insects, designs, or patterns.
Border Wraps for Cabochons
In this video I describe how to bundle round wires for a border wrap. A border wrap is a techbnique in wire wrapped jewelry to capture a cabochon. Usually square wire is used but I like the look of the design elements I can create with round wire and it sometimes can be unruly in this application.